150 Crowfoot Crescent NW 224 Calgary AB T3G 3T2 CA

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Sinus Lifts in Calgary NW

Looking for a sinus lift in Northwest (NW) Calgary? At Arbour Lake Dental Care, we perform sinus lifts for patients who have experienced bone loss in the upper jaw.

Sinus Lifts, Calgary Dentist

What are sinus lifts?

Sinus lifts are performed for patients who require extra bone be added to the upper jaws in the molar and premolar areas. A sinus lift is a surgical procedure to replace lost bone in the upper jaw, usually by the molars.

You might need a sinus lift if you have experienced:

  • Bone loss through periodontal (gum) disease
  • Long term tooth loss
  • Aging

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  • We want to make appointment booking as easy as possible for our patients. For your convenience, we answer our phones 24/7, and even offer appointment bookings via text message!
    - Dr. Chris Miller

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